Tinned meatballs and pasta

Tinned meatballs and pasta


A quick and easy family favourite meal


  • Meat balls
  • Pasta (any kind)
  • Cheese (optional)


  • boil the pasta
  • Simmer the meat balls
  • Mix them both together continuing to stir
  • Serve


This was sent in by William

Corned beef hash

Corned beef hash


Family classic that is cheap and easy to make.


  • Tinned corned beef
  • Potatoes
  • Buter
  • Onions
  • Beans
  • Cheese


  • Boil potatoes
  • Strain potatoes
  • Fry onions,Butter and beans together
  • Add corned beef, butter together and mash
  • In a dish layer the fried mixture and potatoes
  • Add cheese on top and cook in oven till crispy
  • Enjoy


Sent in by Dominic

Macaroni and Cheese

Mac and Cheese


A Scottish family favourite which is tasty and easy to make on a budget


  • Macaroni (any type will do)
  • Cheese sauce sachet
    optional – if you want to make your own cheese sauce.
  • Cheese – 100g
  • Milk – 500ml
  • flour – 4 tbsp
  • butter – 50g


  • Bring the macaroni to boil.
  • melt the butter
  • add flour and milk together
  • add in the cheese
  • alternatively mix and cook cheese sauce as per packet instructions
  • then mix to a creamy texture
  • then mix with the macaroni


These source was sent in by William

Bangers and Mash

Bangers and Mash


This is a classic family recipe loved by million’s.


  • Sausages
  • Potatos
  • Butter
  • Gravy


  • Boil Potatos
  • Cook Sausages
  • Strain potatoes
  • Mash potatoes with butter
  • Place potato’s on plate with sausages
  • Add gravy
  • Enjoy


Sent in by William

Mash Surprise

Mash Surprise


This recipe is great for using up any left over veg or veg that needs to be used.

  • Any Vegetables you like
  • Potatoes
  • Sausages/Hotdogs
  • Garlic Salt/Granule’s
  • Cheese


  • Boil potatoes and vegetables together
  • Cook sausages,
  • Strain potatoes
  • Mix in sliced sausages garlic and half the cheese to taste
  • Place in oven proof dish add more cheese on top till golden brown
  • Remove and enjoy.


This was sent in by Gemma

Hotdog and noodles

Hotdog & Noodles

An old family favourite that costs next to nothing. you could server this as a light lunch to a family of 3 for less than £3


  • A pack of your favourite noodles (per person)
  • Tin of Hot Dogs


  • Bring the water to the boil (add a bit more water for a soupy version)
  • Add the noodles and bring back to the boil
  • Slice the hotdogs in to small pieces, or whole if you prefer
  • Add them to the cooking noodles
  • Boil for as long as the noodle pack suggests
  • Serve


This was sent in to us from Elizabeth Ann Dempster

How to get your voucher

Our affordable shopping system is operated by a voucher system. To get your voucher you will need to join our subscription service costing £5 per week or you will be referred by one of our referring agencies

Our service is designed to give dignity when choosing either an emergency food parcel or your affordable shopping. The shop itself is 24/7, so you don’t need to be here at the café during opening times, other than to pick up your order. You use the online shop just like you would use any other online shop . Click – Pay – Collect.

To get your voucher, just pop in to the café and one of team will be able to set you up with the weekly service.

We do not deliver – Our service is pick up only

Currently we do not have a delivery service, we only offer a click and collect service. You can collect your order during our normal opening times of 9:30am to 2:30pm, Monday to Friday.

How to use your voucher

If you are using our website for the first time and just looking to see how it works, then please see the instructions below to see how easy it is.

  • First you need to get your voucher. This service won’t be much use to you without it as we don’t use real money
  • Next, visit the website and navigate your way around the shop adding the things you need
  • Your voucher will allow you to purchase 20 individual items, or a mix of items and meal packs. But please remember, our service is not to replace your shopping trip, it is meant to help you.
  • There may be items that are past their best before data. These items will be marked at half the cost, which means that you can get twice as many. So your shopping could end up with 40 items.
  • We also have free items, such as female hygiene products. These are in addition to your 20 items as they are free
  • Once you are happy with what you need, go to the shopping basket and checkout.
  • It’s at that point you can input your voucher code.

Our vouchers are a “use once” code

  • Be careful not to lose your voucher, or give the code to someone else, as they are only a single use code. Once it has been used, it is invalid afterwards.
  • You will need to create an account on the website so we can store the order ready for you to pick up.
  • Once you have gone through the checkout and confirmed your order, you will be able to pop along to the café to it up.
  • Please bring your voucher along with you so we can match it to the order.
  • If you are unable to use the website, you are more than welcome to pop along to the cafe and one of our team members will help you

Bring your voucher along
No Voucher – No Order

Giving You Choice

The Fed Up Community Cafe is all about helping people. Whether it is a meal and a chat, signposting someone to get the professional help or training volunteers to get the confidence and skills to get a job; that’s what we love to do.

Sometimes that help is needed outside our normal operational hours, such as emergency food parcels from foodbanks or a bit of help with shopping.

Foodbanks are a lifeline for people who need that extra level of support, but we have found that quite often there are items in the food parcel that are not liked. It’s not as easy as going to a shop and picking the items you want or need… or is it?

We wanted to be able to help anyone needing food, the choice to choose their own items that they would eat in their household. Other foodbank organisations, although offering a great service, don’t offer the addition of choice to make their food packs up. The Fed Up Community Café is proud to announce that we are the first (that we know of) to offer this service online to help people who can’t get down to the café during our normal opening times. This is through the affordable shopping system costing £5 per week, where you can choose 20 items from the larder.

Our online system not only allows you to have the choice of what items you need, but also offers additional support in “Meal Packs”. These are packs that contain everything you need for the whole meal. This includes a recipe card to help you cook the items.

Have a look around our website and see what you think.

Please note that although this service is online, we still offer the same choice within the café during opening times for those that prefer not to use the online system.

If you would like to know more about the café service we offer, free of charge, then please visit our main website www.fedup.org.uk

Meal Packs

We offer packs that include all the ingredients you need to make a meal. On top of this, we include a recipe card to help you prepare it

Not everyone is a master chef and can come up with ideas on how to make a meal with limited ingredients. A lot of us cook the same meals week after week, mainly for convenience. Well this is where we can help you.

To help you, we have created some meal packs that have everything you need to make a meal, all in one bag. In addition to this, we have created a recipe card to go along with the ingredients that you can follow.

In addition to our meal packs linking to recipes, we also have a growing library of general recipes that help you cook on a budget or with limited ingredients. These can all be found on our recipes page