Everything we offer is free of charge to anyone needing support. Donations are vital to the success for the support we offer.
If you are a local business or a member of the community, we need your help, or we couldn’t exist.
We want to make sure that no one in our local community has to go hungry, but we need your help to make this happen. Your gift of financial support, time, business partnership and food can make a real difference.
Over 95% of the food we distribute either through our café or by our Community Larder has been donated by the public and local businesses. Your food donations are absolutely vital to our ability to give everyone referred to us a choice of food.

Donating food items
If you can donate to the café to help our larder service, please drop in to the café on Bridge Street, where a member of our team will be happy to help you. Any food items are appreciated, even fresh items as we have fridge storage. We only ask that any items donated to us have a reasonable shelf life / date on them so we have time to distribute them.
Financial Donations
Not all donations need to be in the form of food. Sometimes we have to buy items to make sure we have enough in stock to help. If you would prefer to donate any spare money to us, to help us pay for stock items, then please scan the QR Code on this page or click the link below.